Ubuntu 22

This seems a bit unstable, actually a bit unfair but they have changed how they deal with bursting swap, and firefox at least uses snap and so I may need some more tools. I have added to this page as I learn more about what additional configuration I need. My notes …

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Nextscripts: Social Network Autoposter

I had a quick look at Nextscripts: Social Network Auto Poster. It claims to be able to forward posts to other social networks. These include as targets, twitter, linkedin and facebook. The also offer Google+ but that needs an additional library which may be chargeable. I need to work on this a bit more. Since…

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Automating posts to Google+

I once wanted to post my blog stream to google+, but it seems overly difficult to do. Even harder now that Google have shit-canned it. This is now marked as deprecated, but overleaf/below are my notes when this seemed a good idea,

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