Binky Netzen

This is one of a series of NWN character notes. Binky is fighter/thief who travels with Mischa Waymeet in the NWN game, Shadow of Udrentide. I am not sure that the fighter/thief was such a good idea. See Of Fighter/Thieves @ I discuss the difficulty in keeping up with the game since the scales…

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NWN Playing a Druid

I am taking a Druid through Shadows of Udrentide. There’s a couple of class specific quests which are quite nice. I have reached the Asabi Camp as a Druid/Barbarian/Shifter (7,1,1) and am having some difficulty. I notice that Ashtara has very few Druid’s scrolls and not that many heals or even cure critical. Actually he…

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Mischa Waymeet

I first talk about Mischa on my NWN Henchman page, she is published on the Bioware forums as a sticky, called Vulcano’s guide to Mischa Waymeet, the 4th henchman, and can be downloaded from her page at the Vault., or maybe here now. This page makes reference to Bioware community resources, which have since gone…

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