Labour Conference 2021

At this conference the LP made the documents much more easily available, and I was not a delegate, but they may remove the documents and I think I’d like my history to remain complete. Here is my document repo. …

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Labour noughties debt

During the noughties, the Labour Party failed to generate the cash to win and fight elections, it had to borrow tens of millions. Here’s some reporting on it,

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Delegates to Conference

The rule on delegate entitlement in Chapter 3 says, C3.I.1.B. Delegates duly appointed by CLPs to the number of one delegate for the first 749 individual members in the constituency or part thereof paying their membership dues as of 31 December in the previous year, and one further delegate for every additional 250 individual members…

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Labour’s +ive action for women

I am considering some of the positive action programmes in place in the Labour Party, which are most extensively developed in favour of women. The Labour Party’s rules are subject to the law of the land[s] and possibly the most important part of the positive action programme for women other than all women short lists…

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I had need to write to a friend who has resigned from the Labour Party, this is what I wrote back.

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Labour’s 2019 campaign

Considering Labour’s IT led me to this at the Common Knowledge Coop. I was considering ISC2’s Vendor Management policies and how Labour measures up to good practice. Their report on the 2019 General Election Campaign looks at strategy, organisation and digital campaigning. I have not finished the reading yet, but it’s compelling stuff. Here are…

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On Labour’s NEC

The Labour Party NEC doesn’t report on its business to the members. It leaves it to the individual members. Things are quite exciting at the moment and for various reasons it’s wise to read more than one. Here are my notes,

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Labour Party, a Glossary

The perennial question asked by new Labour members, or old hacks pretending to be concerned, is about jargon. Here is a guide, I took it from Cheltenham Labour’s site, but that itself is informed by the Labour Party’s own page on jargon. This page below/overleaf explains some of the most commonly used Labour Party terms…

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Open Labour? What’s it doing?

Open Labour won one seat in Labour’s NEC CLPs division elections in 2020. They clearly have an attraction to many members and MPs but their record of actions makes me question how left they are. Here are my notes.

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Fair Trial and Labour’s ‘fast track’

A note on Labour’s ‘fast track’ disciplinary process and Article 6 of the European Convention on Human Rights. Labour’s disciplinary determination process for complaints that allege prejudice or harassment were changed at Conference 2019. The investigation is conducted by staff, who then present a charge and proposed sanction to a panel/sub committee of the NEC…

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