Down the rabbit hole

I am not sure where this started but I have known about Professor Danny Dorling‘s work for a number of years. He has written a book and authored a white paper called variously Shattered Nation or Shattered Britain. I watched the launch of AEIP’s joint report which he authored, “Brexit: A failed project in a…

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Interest, debt & housing prices

I came across the video from the i linked to below and wondered how much the assertion that the UK has never had such a malign nexus, oh high inflation, high interest rates and high consumer debt. I was shocked at the Schroders report that the price to income ratio is now nine i.e. a…

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Social Housing Finance

I attended a presentation on Lewisham’s Housing policy last night and was wondering why the lifting of the borrowing cap wasn’t more effective. Here are my notes on social housing finance.

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Housing Costs

Trying to build a time series showing cost of housing as a proportion of income. The facts aren’t easy to  find, and the graphing technique isn’t easy either, given the income distribution range and the geographic income and house pricing diversity. I used a google search on housing costs as a proportion of income trend, which…

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